
Here you can find details of talks by Centre staff
- Frowe:
(Oct 2023) Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm
(Oct 2023) Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo
(Oct 2023) Conceptual Engineering Department, University of Oslo
(Oct 2023) Inland Norwegian University, Lillehammer
(Oct 2023) Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre, Lingnan University
(Nov 2023) Reuben College, Oxford University
- Mráz:
(September 2023) Theoretical Perspectives on Democratic Backsliding in the EU, ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo
(October 2023) Political Theory Seminar, Department of Political Science, Stockholm University
(November 2023) Nordic Political Theory Network, Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm
(November 2023) Perpetrators, Participants, Bystanders, Resisters: Aggressive States and Their Citizens. SCEWP, Stockholm.
(December 2023) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
Talks by Helen Frowe
- (July 2023) British Society for Ethical Theory, University of Reading
- (July 2023) Society for Applied Philosophy, Antwerp University
- (June 2023) 13th Braga Meeting in Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Minho
- (May 2023) Workshop on Frowe’s Help and Pummer’s The Rules of Rescue, University of Leeds
- (Mar 2023) Philosophy Department Colloquium, University College, London
- (Feb 2023) Philosophy Department Colloquium, Management University of Singapore
- (Feb 2023) Philosophy Department Colloquium, National University of Singapore
- (Nov 2022) Conference on the Ethics of War,Institute of Applied Ethics of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- (Oct 2022) Panel on Heritage Protection, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania
- (Oct 2022) UNESCO World Heritage at 50 Conference, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania
- (Oct 2022) Law and Philosophy Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania
- (June 2022) Summer School in Applied Ethics, Bled
- (May 2022) Colloquium in Social and Political Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University
- (May 2022) Law and Philosophy seminar, Maastricht University
- (March 2022) Maastricht Law and Philosophy Online Seminar Series
- (March 2022) Colloquium, Princeton Centre for Human Values
- (Dec 2021) CHOICE seminar, London School of Economics
- (Oct 2021) Ethics of War and Peace conference, West Point Military Academy, NY
- (Sept 2021) Keynote Address, 6th Annual Applied Ethics Conference, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb
- (June 2021) 2nd Annual Workshop on Rights and Harm, University of St Andrews
- (June 2021) Department Colloquium, University of Göttingen
- (May 2021) Workshop on Force and Migration, University Pompeu Fabre
- (April 2021) Program in Ethics and Public Affairs, Princeton Centre for Human Values
- (April 2021) Joint Law and Philosophy Seminar, University of Southern California
- (March 2021) Moral Sciences Club, University of Cambridge
- (Feb 2021) Workshop on Immigration Ethics, University of Essex
- (Nov 2020) Research Seminar, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge
- (Feb 2020) Workshop on Cyber Harm, London School of Economics
- (November 2019) Philosophy Department Seminar, Stellenbosch University
- (August 2020) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Syracuse University
- (Dec 2020) Department Colloquium, University of Helsinki
- (July 2019) American Society for Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain Division, Santa Fe
- (July 2019) Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Cardiff University
- (June 2019) Plenary session, Philosophy Days conference, Umea University
- (April 2019) Department seminar, University of Reading
- (April 2019) Pacific APA Symposium on Heritage and Value, Vancouver
- (March 2019) Royal Institute of Philosophy Public Lecture, University of Kent
- (March 2019) Department seminar, University of St Andrews
- (Feb 2019) Workshop on Ethics and Military Practice, USMA West Point
- (Jun 2018) Workshop on the Individualisation of War, European University Institute
- (Apr 2018) Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, St. Andrews
- (Apr 2018) Panel on Legitimate Authority, ISA, San Francisco
- (Apr 2018) Panel on Adil Haque’s Law and Morality at War, APA Pacific, San Diego
- (Mar 2018) Conference on the Ethics of War, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
- (Feb 2018) Department Seminar, University of Cape Town
- (Feb 2018) Workshop on War and International Law, University of Girona
- (Feb 2018) Workshop on Jonathan Quong’s new manuscript, University of Warwick
- (Feb 2018) Annual Public Lecture, University of Southampton
- (Jan 2018) Public Debate on Depicting War, Bonnierkonsthall, Stockholm
- (Jan 2018) Forum for European Philosophy, London School of Economics
- (Nov 2017) Department seminar, Australian National University
- (Nov 2017) International Society for Military Ethics, Asia-Pacific Chapter
- (Oct 2017) Department seminar, Melbourne University
- (Aug 2017) Filosofidagarna, Uppsala University
- (Jun 2017) Conference on Humanitarian Ethics and Action, Centre for Global Ethics, University of Birmingham
- (May 2017) Conference for Women in Philosophy, Uppsala University
- (Apr 2017) Undergraduate Conference, UC Boulder
- (Apr 2017) Department seminar, Washington University at Seattle
- (Mar 2017) Law school seminar, Yale University
- (Dec 2016) Department seminar, Central European University
- (Jun 2016) Conference on the Moralities of Warfare, University of Vienna
- (May 2016) Law Research Seminar, Cambridge University
- (May 2016) International Philosophy Olympiad, Ghent University
- (May 2016) Public Lecture, Antwerp University
- (Apr 2016) Department Seminar, Leeds University
- (Dec 2015) 9th Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference, Western Michigan University
- (Dec 2015) Research Seminar, Stockdale Centre for Leadership
- (Oct 2015) Reductive Individualism and the Just War Framework, Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre for Transnational
- Human Rights, Crime and Security,, York University, Canada
- (Oct 2015) Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
- (Oct 2015) Conference on Future Challenges for the Ethics of War, United States Naval Postgraduate School, CA
- (Oct 2015) Joint Philosophy and Political Science seminar, UC Boulder
- (Oct 2015) Law School Seminar on the Ethics of Armed Conflict, Harvard University
- (Sep 2015) Debate with Seth Lazar, United States Military Academy at West Point
- (Aug 2015) Authorisation and Agent-Relative Reasons, 6th Annual Conference of the Oxford Institute of Ethics, Law
- and Armed Conflict, Stockholm
- (Jul 2015) Symposium Speaker, Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Warwick University
- (Jun 2015) Graduate course on the ethics of war (with Massimo Renzo), University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
- (Apr 2015) Workshop on Self-Defence, University of Southern California
- (Apr 2015) Are We Required to Turn the Trolley? Department Seminar, Westmont College, Santa Barbara
- (Mar 2015) Law and Philosophy Seminar, Jindal Global University, Delhi
- (Feb 2015): Roundtable on Jus ad Vim, International Studies Association, New Orleans
- (Jan 2015) Moral Philosophy Seminar, Oxford University
- (Dec 2014) Department seminar, Gothenberg University
- (Dec 2014) Department seminar, Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, Oslo
- (Oct 2014) Departmental seminar, Uppsala University
- (Oct 2014) Workshop on the ethics of war, University of Delaware, MD
- (Oct 2014) Roundtable on ‘When Should Nations Kill?’ University of Delaware, MD
- (Nov 2014) Department Seminar, Trinity College, Dublin
- (Dec 2014) Department Seminar, Gothenburg University
- (Dec 2014) Philosophy Society, Gothenburg University
- (Dec 2014) Department Seminar, Oslo University
- (Sep 2014) The Use of Drones and the Ethics of Defensive Force, 5th Annual Conference of the Oxford Institute for
- Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, Oxford
- (Jul 2014) Workshop on Feasibility in War, ANU
- (Jun 2014) Conference on Intentions and Moral Permissibility, University of Leeds
- (Jun 2014) Workshop on Philosophy and Technology, LSE
- (Jun 2014) Workshop on War and Knowledge, University of Reading
- (May 2014) Why War? Peace in the 21st Century, Centenary Conference at University of Bradford
- (Apr 2014) ‘The Weighing of Lives in War: Combatants and Civilians in the Jus in Bello’, Conference at the University
- of Pennsylvania Law School
- (Apr 2014) ‘Wrongs Across Borders’, York University, Canada
- (Feb 2014) Departmental seminar, London School of Economics
- (Nov 2013) Workshop on my book manuscript at Warwick.
- (Nov 2013) Departmental seminar, University of Nottingham
- (Oct 2013) Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Arizona
- (Sep 2013) UK Analytic Legal and Political Philosophy Conference, Middlesex
- (Jul 2013) Summer School on Justice: Theory and Applications, Central European University, Budapest
- (May 2013) Centre for Law, Ethics and Public Affairs, Warwick
- (Apr 2013) Bowling Green Annual Applied Ethics workshop
- (Apr 2013) Workshop on Legal and Political Philosophy, King’s College, London
- (Mar 2013) Resisting Conditional Force, Conference on the Ethics of War, UC San Diego
- (Feb 2013) Keynote Address, ‘War and Peace as Liberal Arts’, 12th Annual Conversation on the Liberal Arts, Westmont
- College, Santa Barbara
Talks by Attila Mráz
- (August 2023) Workshop on Stability, Department of Culture and Society, Linköping University
- (June 2023) Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
- (June 2023) 13th Braga Meeting in Moral and Political Philosophy, University of Minho
- (May 2023) Workshop on Exclusion, Integration, and Democracy, Tromsø, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
Talks by Joseph Bowen
- (Sept 2022) MANCEPT Workshop 2022: Recasting Human Rights without a Shadow, University of Manchester
- (April 2022) Stockholm University/Uppsala University Joint Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm
- (March 2022) Zicklin Center Workshop in Normative Business Ethics, University of Pennsylvania
- (Nov 2021) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (Aug 2021) Ethics Summer Miniseries
- (Sep 2021) MANCEPT Workshop 2021: State of the Art: The Nature and Function of Rights, University of Manchester
- (April 2021) Varieties of Risk and Roots of Responsibility Joint Workshop on Risk and Recklessness, University of Stirling/University College London.
- (January 2021) Arizona Workshop in Normative Ethics (Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics).
- (September 2020) Philosophy, Ethics, and Killing Workshop, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
- (September 2020) All or Nothing Workshop
Talks by Romy Eskens
- (June 2022) The Political Role of the Moral Emotions Conference, University of Geneva
- (May 2022) Gothenburg Research Seminar in Practical Philosophy
- (May 2022) LMU Munich Research Colloquium in Practical Philosophy
- (Feb 2022) Uppsala Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, February 2022
- (Dec 2021) Graduate Conference in Politics, Philosophy & Law, King’s College London
- (Nov 2021) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Lund University
- (Oct 2021) Workshop on Gratitude, Stockholm University
- (July 2021) Postgraduate Session, University of Hertfordshire
- (May 2021) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (May 2021) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Umeå University
- (April 2021) Varieties of Moral Address Workshop: Agency, Authority and Responsibility, Hebrew University of Jerusalem/Polonsky Academy, Van Leer Institute
- (April 2021) American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division Meeting
- (March 2021) Philosophy, Ethics and Killing Workshop, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
- (November 2020) Lund-Gothenburg Responsibility Project Research Seminar, Lund University/University of Gothenburg
- (March 2020) Graduate Colloquium, University of Texas at Austin
- (September 2019) 17th Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy, University of Pavia
- (September 2019) 5th SCEWP Annual Graduate and Early Career Reading Retreat, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
- (June 2019) Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, Cardiff University
- (June 2019) Swedish Congress of Philosophy, Umeå University
- (June 2019) REAPP Graduate/Early Career Conference, University of Reading
Talks by Benjamin Matheson
- (Jan 2018) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (Jan 2018) American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Meeting
- (Nov 2017) Fifth Annual OZSW conference, Universiteit Utrecht
- (Nov 2017) PhD Seminar on Moral Psychology, Delft University of Technology
- (Oct 2017) Exemplars and Exemplarism: theory, sources, and practices, University of Genoa
- (Sep 2017) European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions, University of Madrid
- (Sep 2017) Emotions: Rationality, Morality and Social Understanding, University of Tartu
Talks by Lisa Hecht
- (Jun 2019) Stockholm June Workshop in Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (May 2019) Rethinking Risk Workshop, University of Zurich
- Moral Complicity Conference, University of Bern, October 2018
- (Sep 2018) SCWEP Workshop on Apology and Compensation, Stockholm University
- (Aug 2018) APA Meeting Pacific Division, Colloquium Session, San Diego
- (Jun 2018) Ontario Legal Philosophy Partnership Graduate Conference, McMaster University
- (Jun 2018) Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress, Montréal
- (Mar 2018) International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying Conference, Uppsala,
- (Aug 2017) European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
- (July 2017) XXVIII World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), University of Lisbon
- (June 2017) Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Copenhagen
- (June 2017) VIII Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho
- (Feb 2017) Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory, Warwick University
- (Nov 2016) Stockholm-Helsinki Graduate Conference, Stockholm University
- (Oct 2016) Nordic War Network workshop, Aarhus University
- (Sep 2016) SCEWP Graduate Reading Retreat, University of Venice
- (May 2016) Research Seminar for Practical Philosophy and Political Theory, Gothenburg University
- (April 2016) Transitional Justice and Alternative Mechanisms for Peace conference, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies
- (Jan 2016) Philosophical Society of Southern Africa conference, University of Fort Hare
- (Nov 2015) Nordic War Network workshop, University of Oslo
- (Aug 2015) Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict conference, comment on Kimberley Brownlee’s paper “Striking out for the Sake of the Attacker”, Stockholm University
- (May 2015) Workshop on Lethal Agency, comment on Adil Haque’s paper “Human Shields”, Stockholm University
Talks by Jonathan Parry
- (Nov 2015) Consent and the Justification of Defensive Force, Moral Philosophy Seminar, University of Oxford
- (Oct 2015) CELPA Seminar, University of Warwick
- (Aug 2015) ELAC Annual Meeting, Stockholm University
- (July 2015) SAP Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh
- (Feb 2015) Departmental Seminar, University of Oslo
- (Feb 2015) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (Dec 2014) MANCEPT Seminar, University of Manchester
- (Dec 2014) Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Stockholm University
- (May 2014) SCEWP Inaugural Conference, Stockholm University