
Frowe, Helen. (ed.) Symposium on Victor Tadros’ To Do, To Die, To Reason Why: Individual Ethics in War, advance view in Mind.
Bülow, W., Frowe, H., Matravers, D and Thomas, Joshua L. (eds.) Heritage and War: Ethical Issues (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Bowen, Joseph. ‘Review of Alec Walen’s The Mechanics of Claims and Permissible Killing in War’, Criminal Law and Philosophy. Early View.
Bowen, Joseph. ‘The Interest Theory of Rights at the Margins: Posthumous Rights’, Without Trimmings: The Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy of Matthew Kramer, Visa Kurki & Mark McBride (eds.), (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Bowen, Joseph. ‘Robust Rights and Harmless Wronging’, in Mark Timmons (ed.) Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics 12.
Bowen, Joseph. ‘”But You Could’ve Hurt Me!”: Risk and Harm’, Law and Philosophy 41: 517-546.
Eskens, Romy. ‘Other-Sacrificing Options: Reply to Lange’, Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 21/2: 290-297.
Frowe, Helen. The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (3rd edn.). Routledge.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Liability for Wrongful Assistance: On Causing Unjust Harm in the Course of Suboptimal Rescue’ Journal of Applied Philosophy 39/1: 23-37.
Frowe, Helen and Matravers, Derek. ‘Reconstruction and the Cultural Turn’, in Clare Finkelstein, Derek Gillman and Frederik Rosén (eds.), The Preservation of Art and Culture in Times of War, Oxford University Press.
Frowe, Helen. ‘The Moral Irrelevance of Moral Coercion’, Philosophical Studies 178: 3465-3482.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Risk Imposition and Liability to Defensive Harm’, Criminal Law and Philosophy 16: 511–524. Symposium on Jonathan Quong’s The Morality of Defensive Force.
Frowe, Helen and Jonathan Parry, ‘Self-Defense’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
Frowe, Helen. ‘The Limited Use View of the Duty to Save’, in David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne, and Steven Wall eds. Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 7. (Winner of the 2019 Marc Sanders Prize in Political Philosophy.)
Frowe, Helen ‘Intervening Agency and Civilian Liability’, Criminal Law and Philosophy 16:181–191.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Ethics of War’, in Katrien Devolder (ed.) Routledge Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Routledge)
Bowen, Joseph. ‘Consent, Other-Defence, and Humanitarian Intervention’, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 8.
Bowen, Joseph. ‘Review of Jonathan Quong’s The Morality of Defensive Force‘, Ethics 131 (3) (Focus of PEA Soup discussion.)
Bowen, Joseph. ‘Addressing the Addressive Theory of Rights’, Journal of Applied Philosophy. Online First:
Bülow, William. & Dagan, N, ‘From rehabilitation to penal communication: the role of furlough and visitation within a retributivist framework’, Punishment & Society, 23/3: 376-393.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Bystanders, Risk, and Consent’, Bioethics 34/9 (Special Issue: Risks to Bystanders in Clinical Research): 906-911.
Bowen, Joseph and John Basl, ‘AI as a Moral Right-Holder’, The Oxford Handbook of the Ethics of AI, Markus Dubber, Frank Pasquale, and Sunit Das (eds.) (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Bülow, William. ‘Risking civilian lives to avoid harm to cultural heritage?’, Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18/3.
Bülow, William & Joshua Lewis Thomas, ‘On the Ethics of Reconstructing Destroyed Cultural Heritage Monuments’, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 6/4, pp. 483-501.
Bülow, William. & Lindblom, L, ‘The social injustice of parental imprisonment’, Moral Philosophy & Politics 7/2: 299-320.
Bülow, William, Godskesen, T. Helgesson, G., Eriksson, S.. ‘Why unethical papers should be retracted’, Journal of Medical Ethics Aug 13:medethics-2020-106140. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2020-106140.
Frowe, Helen. ‘The Duty to Remove Statues of Wrongdoers’, Journal of Practical Ethics 7/3: 1 – 31
Helen Frowe and Jonathan Parry, ‘Wrongful Observation’ Philosophy and Public Affairs Vol. 47/2: 105 – 137
Frowe, Helen. ‘Civilian Liability’, Ethics Vol.129 / 4: 625 – 650
Frowe, Helen. ‘If You’ll Be My Bodyguard: Agreements to Save and the Duty to Minimise Harm’, Ethics (2019) Vol. 129 / 2: 1 – 25
Helen Frowe and Derek Matravers, ‘Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection’, J. Paul Getty Trust Occasional Papers in Cultural Heritage Policy, 3.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Legitimate Targets in War’, David Edmonds and Julian Savulescu (eds.), Ethics in the Contemporary World, (Routledge).
Frowe, Helen. ‘War and Intervention’, in Robert Jubb, Patrick Tomlin and Catriona McKinnon (eds.), Issues in Political Theory, 4th edn., (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
Hect, Lisa. ‘Provocateurs and Their Rights to Self-Defence‘. Criminal Law and Philosophy 13: 165–185.
Bülow, William. ‘Retributivism and the use of imprisonment as the ultimate backup sanction’, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 32(2): 285-303.
Bülow, William & Helgesson, ‘Criminalization of Scientific Misconduct’, Medicine Health Care and Philosophy Vol 22 (2): 245–252.
Matheson, Benjamin. ‘Towards a Structural Ownership Condition on Moral Responsibility’ Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 4: 458-480.
Matheson, Benjamin, Alfred Archer, Amanda Cawston, Machteld Gueskens . ‘Celebrity, Democracy, and Epistemic Power’. Perspectives on Politics.
Matheson, Benjamin. ‘Manipulators and Moral Standing’, Philosophia. 47 1197-1214.
Matheson, Benjamin and Alfred Archer. ‘When Artists Fall: Honoring and Admiring the Immoral’, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 5, 2: 246-265
Matheson, Benjamin and Alfred Archer. ‘Admiration and Education: What Should We Do with Immoral Intellectuals?” Ethical Perspectives, 26, 1: 5-32
Matheson, Benjamin and Alfred Archer. ‘Shame and the Sports Fan’, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 46: 208-223
Frowe, Helen. ‘Defending Defensive Killing: Reply to McMahan, Barry, Haque, Renzo and Ferzan’, Journal of Moral Philosophy (symposium on Defensive Killing).
Frowe, Helen. ‘Lesser-Evil Justifications for Harming: Why We are Required to Turn the Trolley’, The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 68, No. 2: 460-480.
Lazar, Seth and Helen Frowe (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War (New York: OUP).
Lazar, Seth and Helen Frowe. ‘The Ethics of War’, in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 1 – 20.
Frowe, Helen. ‘The Just War Framework’, in Lazar and Frowe (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, (New York: Oxford University Press), DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199943418.013.27.
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Civil War and Revolution‘ in The Oxford Handbook of the Ethics of War (Edited by Seth Lazar and Helen Frowe).
Bülow, William. ‘Deserved Delayed Release? The Communicative Theory of Punishment and Indeterminate Prison Sentences’, Criminal Justice Ethics Vol 37 (2): 164-181.
Matheson, Benjamin and Andrew Khoury ‘Is Blameworthiness Forever?’, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 4, 2: 204: 224.
Matheson, Benjamin. ‘Tracing and Heavenly Freedom’ International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 84: 57–69.
Matheson, Benjamin. ‘The Threat from Manipulation Arguments” American Philosophical Quarterly, 55, 1: 37-50.
Hect, Lisa. Review of Seth Lazar ‘Sparing Civilians’. Journal of Moral Philosophy. 15 (1):112-115
Frowe, Helen. ‘War in Political Philosophy’, in William R. Thompson (ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Politics, (Oxford University Press)
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Defensive Harm, Consent, and Intervention’, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 45, No.4, 356-396.
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Authority and Harm’, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Vol.3, 252-278.
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Legitimate Authority and the Ethics of War: A Map of the Terrain‘, Ethics and International Affairs, 31, No.2, 169-189.
Frowe, Helen. The Ethics of War and Peace: An Introduction (Routledge) – 2nd edition.
Frowe, Helen. ‘On the Redundancy of Jus ad Vim’, Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 117 – 129.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Collectivism and Reductivism in the Ethics of War’, Kimberley Brownlee, David Coady and Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 342 – 355.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Claim Rights, Duties and Lesser Evil Obligations’, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume Vol. 89, pp. 267 – 285.
Frowe, Helen. ‘The Role of Necessity in Liability to Defensive Harm’, in Christian Coons and Michael Weber (eds.) The Ethics of Self-Defense (New York, OUP).
Frowe, Helen. (2015): ‘Can Reductive Individualists Allow Defence Against Political Aggression?’, in Peter Vallentyne, David Sobel and Steven Wall (eds.) Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Vol. 1.
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Liability, Community, and Just Conduct in War‘, Philosophical Studies.
Parry, Jonathan. ‘Just War Theory, Legitimate Authority, and Irregular Belligerency‘, Philosophia 43, No.1 (2015), 175-196.
Frowe, Helen. Defensive Killing, (Oxford: OUP)
Frowe, Helen. ‘War and Intervention’, in Catriona McKinnon (ed.) Issues in Political Theory, 3rd edition., (Oxford: OUP)
Frowe, Helen and Gerald Lang (eds.) How We Fight: Ethics in War, (Oxford: OUP)
Frowe, Helen. ‘Non-Combatant Liability in War’, in Frowe and Lang (eds.) How We Fight: Ethics in War.
Frowe, Helen. ‘Judging Armed Humanitarian Intervention’, Don E. Scheid (ed.), The Ethics of Armed Humanitarian Intervention, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).