
Here you can find information about interviews, public talks, blog posts, debates, and so on.

July 2022 ‘Helen Frowe on the Case for Refugee Discrimination‘, Migration Ethics (podcast)

June 2022, Helen Frowe guests on Philosophy Takes On The News (podcast)

May 2022, ‘Philosopher Helen Frowe on the War’, interview with Tiroler Tageszeitung

May 2022 Helen Frowe guests on Philosophy Takes On The News (podcast)

May 2022 Helen Frowe and Jonathan Parry on City Politics: The Ethics of War (podcast)

April 2022 Helen Frowe on Philosophers’ on Ukraine (Video, Oxford University)

April 2022 Helen Frowe guests on, Philosophy Takes On The News (podcast)

March 2022 ‘When Is It Right To Go To War? Interview with Helen Frowe’, Liberal Debate

January 2021 Roundtable on Hagia Sophia: Museum to Mosque Aesthetics for Birds

July 2021 ‘Are There Innocent Civilians In War?’ Interview with Living Jewishly

(13-15 October 2021) Helen Frowe: Ethics of War and Peace Conference, USMA West Point

(2021) Helen Frowe: ‘Grey Zone’ conflict, 2021 McCain Conference, Stockdale Centre for Ethical Leadership, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis (online)

(3rd December 2020) Helen Frowe: ‘Why We (Usually) Shouldn’t Fund Rebellions’, Justice Everywhere

(14th May 2020)   Helen Frowe ‘Is Staying at Home Really About ‘Saving Lives’?’ Capx

(2020)   ‘Helen Frowe Talks Just War Theory’, Video interview, Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, St Andrews, available on YouTube.

(9 July 2020) Helen Frowe: ‘War and Causation’, Justice Everywhere

(October 2019) William Bülow on ethics and heritage destruction in war on Axess TV, part of their series Förklara din Forskning (‘Explain Your Research’).

(April 2019) William Bülow on ethical aspects of destroyed heritage following the fire of Notre-Dame on Ledarskribenterna.

(2019) ‘In Conversation with Helen Frowe: Self-Defense, Necessary Force, and the Ethics of Modern Warfare’, interview by Daniel Rhodes for Epoché Magazine

(2019) Helen Frowe: Special Session on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Norwegian Defence Ethics Council, Oslo

(2019) Helen Frowe: Working Lunch on Heritage Protection, Norwegian Ministry of Defence, Oslo

(2019) Helen Frowe: Heritage in War workshop, United States Military Academy, West Point

(2019) Helen Frowe: Evening Debate on Heritage in War (with Laurie Rush) USMA West Point

(2019) Helen Frowe: Session leader, British Army Training on Cultural Heritage Protection, Defence Headquarters School of Policing and Guarding

(2019) Helen Frowe: Military Ethics workshop with UMSA West Point Cadets, Pembroke College, Oxford

(2019) Helen Frowe: Conference on Humanitarian Intervention, Ditchley Foundation, UK

(2019) Helen Frowe: Meeting on Cultural Property in Armed Conflict Zones, J. Paul Getty Institute, LA.

(2019) Helen Frowe: Conference on NATO and Cultural Property Protection, NATO Headquarters, Brussels

(2019) Helen Frowe: Military Ethics workshop with cadets from USMA West Point, Pembroke College, Oxford

(2018) Helen Frowe is interviewed on killing and letting die for Radical Philosophy, 3CR Radio (Australia)

(2018) Helen Frowe: Debate: ‘Cultural Heritage Under Fire’, The Forum, London School of Economics

(2018) Helen frowe: Military Ethics workshop with cadets from USMA West Point, Pembroke College, Oxford

(October 2017) Helen Frowe on SCEWP and her new project on Cultural Heritage and War in Universitetsnytt.

(October 2017) Helen Frowe on war and self-defence at 3am Magazine

(March 2017) Helen Frowe discusses ‘Marine A and the Morality of Killing in War‘ for The Times Literary Supplement

(January 2017) Podcast with Helen Frowe on ‘Self-Defence‘ for Philosophy 24/7

(January 2017) Helen Frowe interviewed for Soldier Philosophers on HiPhi Nation 

(2016) Helen Frowe interviewed for Ministry of Defence’s RAND study, The Moral Component of Cross-Domain

             Conflict, with numerous citations in the subsequent report.

(November 2016) Former SCEWP postdoc Jonathan Parry discusses intervention against ISIS on BBC Radio 2

(November 2016) Helen Frowe on ‘Philosophy and the Future of Warfare‘ Oxford Philosophy Festival

(July 2016) Helen Frowe and Jonathan Parry discuss drones with US West Point army cadets, Pembroke College, Oxford

(February 2016) Helen Frowe cited in Driverless Car CrashesSlow Journalism magazine

(November 2015) Helen Frowe cited in  Trolleys and Driverless CarsQuartz magazine

(September 2015) Collection of discussions on Helen Frowe’s Defensive Killing from a workshop at the Carnegie Council, New York

(August 2015) Helen Frowe on Standing Your Ground, Philosophers’ Magazine

(April 2015) Jonathan Parry on Humanitarian Intervention in the Critique Magazine

(December 2014) Interview with Helen Frowe in Ethica (in Portuguese)

(November 2014) Helen Frowe on the conflict in GazaThe Critique November 2014

(November 2014) Helen Frowe on a Panel on Operation Protective Edge, Institute for Futures Studies

(October 2014) Helen Frowe on a Panel on When Should Nations Kill, University of Delaware

(2014) Interview with Helen Frowe on SCEWP for Stockholm University Magazine (in Swedish).

(2014) Interview with Helen Frowe on the SCEWP for Forskning och Framsteg  (Research and Advances).